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Nanjing CareMoving Rehabilitation Equipment Co., Ltd.

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  • US $240,000+
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by TüVRheinland
회사 등록일2017-11-08
지원 언어English
수출 경력6
업계 경력6
생산 역량
품질 관리
원자재의 제품 지원 추적성Yes
제품 검사 방법Inspection of all products, Random inspection, According to client's requirement
QA/QC 검사원1
무역 배경
주요 시장North America(85%), Western Europe(15%)
공급망 파트너18
주요 고객 유형Retailer, Wholesaler, For private use
R&D 역량
맞춤 제작 옵션sample processing, graphic processing, customized on demand
작년에 출시한 신제품0
R&D 엔지니어0
R&D 엔지니어 교육 수준
회사 리뷰 (4)
4.2 /5
  • 공급업체 서비스
  • 정시 배송
  • 제품 품질
Service: Bad service. I do not recommend. I ordered electric wheelchairs - but they were sent without batteries. We had to send the batteries separately again - which resulted in lost customers, time and money.

    공급업체의 응답:

    First of all, sorry for the inconvenience caused to you by the above situation. But you said that our service is bad, which is questionable. You have a freight forwarder in China, and we are responsible for transporting the goods to your freight forwarder's warehouse. Later, you said that you did not receive the battery, and I have been cooperating with you to verify and solve the problem. The final conclusion is that various evidences show that the battery was in the packaging before leaving our warehouse, which also matches the data when it was put into the warehouse at the freight forwarder's warehouse. If it is indeed our problem that the battery was missed, we will bear all responsibilities and expenses and reissue the battery for you. In fact, I have already cooperated with you in any request you have, including reissuing the battery for you later and arranging international express delivery to you, please don't say bad things about anyone at will, thanks
    05 Nov 2024
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